The flavors and texture of Napa Valley wines largely depend on where the fruit is grown. With a wide variety of terroirs, the varietals available differ in many respects, with each wine portraying the flavor of its source.
To this point, wines found in one winery may have significant and identifiable differences from the varietals of another. So, trying the best wine tasting in Yountville can differ significantly from tastings in other parts of the Valley.
And, even from the best wine tastings in Yountville, visitors will note subtle differences in both the wine flavors and the tasting combinations provided.
Here are some of Handwritten Wines’ best wine tasting in Yountville locations.
Priest Ranch: Bacon and Wine Experience
The Priest Ranch Tasting Room in Yountville pairs the joys of four thick cuts of bacon with four of their wines to enhance the flavors of each perfectly.
The intense flavors of the wine and bacon are a perfect match to savor and enjoy.
Silver Trident: The Potato Chip Extravaganza
In a brand-new tasting experience, Silver Trident has initiated a salty, crunchy, and tasty Potato Chip Extravaganza to their tasting protocols. The tasting presents five Silver Trident wines paired with five artisanal potato chip options. The winery spent lots of time tasting and pairing potato chips from all over to create a memorable, smile-inducing tasting experience.
Domaine Chandon: Ultimate Culinary Journey
Domaine Chandon unveils their five-course tasting menu, one of the best wine tastings in Yountville. This farm-to-table tasting menu showcases the pinnacle of their culinary skills and the prowess of the excellent winemaker. The superb cuisine and flight of Chandon wines will make this experience stay with you for a long time.
Jessup Cellars: Wine and Cheese Pairing Experience
Conducted in the beautiful tasting gallery in one of the best wine tastings in Yountville, Jessup Cellars will include a sampling of five current-release wines and a stunning display of elegant chocolates, cheeses, and nuts as an accompaniment.
Also, while visiting the tasting room in Yountville, you can enjoy the beautiful art collection gathered by Jessup’s resident art curator.
Handwritten Wines: Bread and Butter Experience
Do not miss the excellent wine tasting at Handwritten Wines, possibly the best wine tasting in Yountville. The tasting will feature four beautiful wines pre-poured in a side-by-side format with a focus on our Napa Valley hillside and Mountain District Cabernet Sauvignons sourced from 2-acre blocks. These wines are accompanied by white truffle potato chips, Bouchon Bakery baguette, three artisan domestic butters, Copa Salame, and aged Reserve Gouda Cheese.
To book a Handwritten Wines wine-tasting appointment, visit the winery website or call 707-944-8524.